Gene Wilder: The Story Of The Legendary Comedic Actor

Published on March 5, 2018

First Improv With Richard Pryor

It’s no mystery why Wilder and Pryor starred in four films together. The two were hysterical together! In an interview with Larry King, Wilder spoke about his first improvisation with Pryor. Wilder said, “We did the first scene, and he said something, and I something — and it wasn’t in the script — after the camera started rolling. And it went very well. And he said, did you know you were going to say that? I said, no. Did you know you were going to say that? He said, no. I never improvised in a film before.”

First Improv With Richard Pryor

First Improv With Richard Pryor

Mixed Year

Wilder saw both success and failure shortly after. In fact, in 1977 he had both a huge failure and one of his biggest successes. Wilder wrote, directed and produced the movie The World’s Greatest Lover. The film’s concept was inspired by The White Sheik, a Federico Fellini film. However, it didn’t get a good response from critics or even commercially. However, 1977 was the year he starred alongside the great Harrison Ford in The Frisco Kid! Win some, lose some.

Mixed Year

Mixed Year