While many of us growing up chose the advice peddled to us by beauty magazines and failed to listen to our mothers’ and grandmothers’ advice, we have to admit, we probably should have just listened to our matriarchs. That’s the case with many things they told us, but hey, better late than never, right? What’s better than getting advice from your mom and grandma? Collecting advice from lots of people’s moms and grandmas! Here are some of the best beauty secrets moms and grandmas have been sharing.

Makeup Tips
Makeup Tips
When it comes to makeup, everyone has their own methodology. Here is some advice from sage moms and grandmas you can consider taking up.
“I’ve worn white eyeshadow below my eyebrows since 1977. I’ve toned it down since then choosing a less frosty shade, but the concept remains. I think my face looks incomplete until I’ve highlighted my brow bone.” –Marie S.
“My beauty secret is simple. Red lipstick only. Berry for day, fire engine for night. There’s no reason to own nude lipstick.” –Jeanne S.
“Maybelline Great Lash Mascara. The original pink and green one. I’ve tried others, but it’s still my favorite.”—Holly O.
“I don’t leave home without lipstick. My mother never left home without her favorite Revlon pink, and she taught me that a little effort goes a long way in feeling good about yourself.” –Gloria J.
“Vaseline to remove my eye makeup. Nothing works better.”—Shelley T.
Scent Tips
What’s the secret to always smelling nice? Here’s what they had to say about that.
“Red Door perfume by Elizabeth Arden since it came out in 1989.’—Holly W.
“Ivory soap since birth because my mother never bought anything else. Also, Jean Nate perfume since high school. It’s hard to find now, but I’m 82, and no matter what else I’ve tried, I always go back to it.” –Genie W.

Scent Tips
Hairstyling Tips
What about hair? Here are some ideas to always have the best hair.
“I still use Velcro hair rollers. I always will. They make a better set that lasts longer than a curling iron.” –Vickie W.
“Hot rollers every day. When I get out of the shower at night, I dry my hair, pile it up on top of my head, and wear a ponytail almost at my forehead. It gives it body for my rollers.”—Janice C.
“The purple can of Aquanet. It’s $2, and it keeps my hair exactly where I want it since 1985.”—Caroline J.
“I have never paid anyone to color my hair. I went from naturally blonde to white in my twenties, and nobody knows because I’ve put a bottle of Clairol on it once a month ever since.” –Anne H.

Hairstyling Tips
Skincare Tips
Skincare is on the top of most women’s’ list. So here’s what these fabulous ladies have to say about it.
“Jafra’s Royal Jelly is the secret to not looking my age.”—Bea U.
“Say what you want, but I’ll never give up my cold cream. I use Ponds to take my makeup off every night. It’s all I do to take care of my skin, and I think I look great. My husband uses Noxzema to shave his face. I even rub it on sunburns.” –Kathy E.
“Once a week clay masks. I’ve been doing them every Sunday night since college, and I have barely any wrinkles or blemishes at seventy years old. –Rhona W.
“Oil of Olay. My mother bought me my first bottle when I started wearing makeup. When I got married, my husband went to a beauty counter and bought a whole big set of expensive skincare products for my first Christmas gift, and that’s the only time I ever deviated from Olay. Mother knows best.” –Janet T.

Skincare Tips