Makeup Hacks Older Women Need In Their Lives – And It’s Cheaper Than Cosmetic Surgery

Published on June 19, 2017

Kiss Me!

Raise your hand if your lipstick smudges, smears, or fades before you’ve even left the house? (I’m assuming all hands are pretty much raised here!) To steer clear of such a nescience, you need to set your lips with a translucent powder, however whatever you do, don’t apply this directly onto your lips. Instead, you need to blot it through a tissue so that the right amount of powder can access your lips.

Kiss Me

Kiss Me


Never have I ever heard of a more perfect makeup hack than this one! Tightlining is the easiest and cheapest solution than cosmetic surgery could ever even begin to provide, basically, tightlining adds definition to your eyes and makes them up **pop!** All you need to do is apply liner right between your lashes and it’ll make it appear as though you’ve not even wearing any liner, instead you just have super thick lashes. Win-win in our books.

