Why Vitamin C Is Crucial For Everyone, Especially Kids

Published on October 12, 2020

Vitamin C Is Key

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a key component to a healthy diet. In order to give your body nutrition it needs, you must include this powerful antioxidant in your diet. Just from this one vitamin, your body receives nutrition that helps your bones, blood vessels, skin and connective tissue. Well, we’ll get to the health benefits next. Anyway, vitamin C is found in many foods, not just oranges, so have no fear if you’re not a huge fan of oranges.

Vitamin C Is Key

Vitamin C Is Key

Health Benefits Of Vitamin C

Now, to the health benefits of vitamin C that will help you lead a healthy lifestyle. To name some, we’ll start with these. Vitamin C helps boost absorption of iron, decreases bad cholesterol, prevents and also treats the common cold and increases bone density. In addition, your daily dose of vitamin C will prevent damage and soreness to your muscle tissue from exercise, may prevent cardiovascular disease, decrease risk of developing a UTI, and more! Interestingly enough, there is a potential link to Alzheimer’s Disease.

So, yes, we all know how important vitamin C is for everything from cold prevention to cardiovascular health , but we bet you didn’t realize that glass of OJ contained this long-term benefit that affects your brain. Vitamin C could potentially prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. We have heard plenty of other tips on decreasing chances of getting the disease; including keeping your mind active with logic puzzles like Sudoku, but adding the right doses of this vitamin may just be the easy step we should all take. The levels of vitamin C are lower among patients of the disease. In these same patients with lower levels of the crucial vitamin, their cognitive impairment was much higher. A couple of studies found that participants who took vitamin C were less likely to develop the illness.

With potential as large as that, make you get your daily dose with vegetables and fruit or consult a nutritionist to see if taking extra supplements may be more suited to your lifestyle. It’s important to remember that many experts agree that consuming the recommended amount may not be feasible with diet alone. The link between vitamin C and Alzheimer’s is still being researched thoroughly, but the possible connection is definitely something that should not be overlooked.

Health Benefits Of Vitamin C

Health Benefits Of Vitamin C

Get Your Daily Dose Of Vitamin C

Of course, you can get vitamin C from oranges, but also from the following foods: strawberries, brussel sprouts, grapefruit, kiwi, peppers, broccoli, melon and dark leafy greens. Oh, that’s not even all. If you enjoy potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus and apples, they also qualify as good sources of vitamin C. So, eat up and get in that daily dose of vitamin C!

Get Your Daily Dose Of Vitamin C

Get Your Daily Dose Of Vitamin C