Chores are not fun. There, that’s something you and your children can agree on. Still, chores have to be done and it is important that kids learn to take a little bit of responsibility early on in their life. You can make chores more palatable by creating a nice little chore chart. Chore charts help organize tasks while inspiring your kid to pitch in and lend a hand. Listed below you’ll find 15 effective, fun, and easy to make DIY chore charts for your own family!
Dry Erase Board Chart
If you really want to take your child development chore skills to the next level then scope out this dry erase board chore chart. What makes this chore chart so great is that it mixes style with substance. The board is divided by washi tape which is easy to place/replace and all of the important categories are present. Use the decorative stars on the right side of the board to grade your child’s chore skills and reward them for their hard work!

Dry Erase Board Chart
Paint Chip Chart
This chart looks simple but takes a little bit more involvement on the front end to create. Here you can create a chore chart out of paint chips, dry erase markers, and sheet protectors. Organize the chores by color which can correspond to difficulty. More difficult chores can result in a small payment, like a few quarters, for accomplishing the task. Your kids won’t have a sleep problem if they finish their chores for a day!

Paint Chip Chart